Saturday, April 2, 2005

The Sun

The sun is out today and with it came a nice breeze. I'm wearing a short sleeved shirt and no jacket. This is the weather I like. I went outside to read my book in the sun and something happened though... the sun was too bright for me to see the pages of my book. Maybe I'm exaggerating or taking the sunlight too far, but my eyes seriously never adjusted, and I was out there for a good half hour. My right eye even started to tear up - and I'm not exaggerating about that! I wish I had sunglasses out here for days when the sun decides to peak its head out from the clouds. Cross your fingers that it's nice like this tomorrow though because I'm walking into town and spending the day there and I don't feel like walking in the rain!

Also, for anyone who reads this, please keep my dad in your prayers - he's going through more tests as the doctors still aren't quite sure what's going on with him. We have a few more weeks of waiting. I'd write more, but I really don't understand all that's going on, so anything I say might be wrong.

Ok, I'm gonna go take another walk and see if my eyes will adjust this time!

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