Sunday, March 29, 2009

and the first shall be last

Last week for our ten-mile walk I was boasting about being the first person the entire walk, well this week karma caught up to me and I was the last person in today. But that's okay because I completed 12 miles! This is only the second time in my life I've walked that much, so I'm proud of what I accomplished, even if I can barely sit or stand without moaning.

(this was very early in the walk)

To say that today was easy would be a complete lie. I don't know what I hate more, hills (okay, I personally think they were more like mountains then "hills"), or wind. It doesn't matter which I hate, because both were a pain in my butt today.
(anticipating water!!!)


I also don't like walking without an end in sight, and this course was just a looooong, windy road with absolutely no end in sight. Just when you think you're done conquering a hill another one comes and swoops up at the next bend. New Mexico is a gorgeous place to live, work (out), and play, but I'm not a fan of how desolate it feels while walking 12 miles...ugh.
("Kicking the dam in its crotch!")

But, with all that whining I did finish and I actually finished just around three hours, which is great! I'm still hesitant about doubling that mileage, so I think I'll just take it one step at a time.
(conquering six miles; it was [almost] all down hill from there)

I know that picture above is tiny, but it's the elevation of the Jemez Dam route we were on (click the link to read more about the route).

1 thoughts:

Our Family said...

You are awesome!!! Good for you...a 12 mile walk seems like forever to me!! I love the pink shirt too!!

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